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Updated, February 2022, to include materials for the 7-12 age bracket too. Please PM me if you have bought the original guide, and would like the three extra pages.


Statistics show that art benefits children's academic achievements, yet art provision in schools is on the decline worldwide. This is where parents and carers can step in, to foster a love for the arts from a young age that has the potential to last a lifetime. You have the opportunity here to become an impressionable influencer on the child, cultivating an authentic approach to art through a lively process of engagement with a range of materials.


But, where to start? Choosing art supplies can be overwhelming. Let me share with you my wealth of experience, and help you to select the materials that your child needs for the early years. I hope that this guide serves as a source of inspiration and that it becomes a catalyst for implementation within your home or setting. It's never too late to discover art. Perhaps you too will discover your inner artist in the process?!


This 28 page PDF guide is an instant digital download. It will provide you with a comprehensive guide to all the art materials you will need for the early years and beyond, with specific recommendations and suggestions for use. My hope is that it inspires and supports you on your art journey.


This is the first of 24 guides that form part of my self-directed course, The Fundamentals of Play. You'll find my guide on Loose Parts listed in the shop now too.

The Fundamentals of Play: Art Materials


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