Do you find yourself stumbling down the stairs with your children at the crack of dawn, bleary eyed and fumbling about for the television remote control, because you need ten minutes to make yourself a cup of tea and transition to the land of the living?
Do you feel guilty about the screen time, or struggle to entice your children to play once they are hypnotized by the television? We've all been there. A bit of screen time first thing in the morning is not something to be ashamed of, but it can be a difficult habit to break.
Enter, my brand new PDF play guide... 31 Days of Morning Play Invitations. These guides have been designed for exactly this purpose. Invitations to play, explore and create, that you can set up quite quickly and easily before you go to bed at night, using materials that you will likely already have in your home. Your children will discover the invitation to play first thing in the morning and get stuck straight in.
Designed for children age 3-8 years (ish), each PDF guide provides instructions for a simple, fun, low cost, low waste, child led and open-ended invitation to play, with adaptations for the very young and extension ideas. Created by an early years specialist, all for less than 40p a day!
Work through the collection from beginning to end, or save the activities to dip in and out of as you see fit. There is no deadline, or expectation that you complete the activities in order. In fact, many of these invitations to play can be extended over more than one session, so the collection is really good value.
How does it work?
When you sign up you will receive a link to download the ZIP file with your receipt. The link is only valid for 30 days, so please download and save it.
Let's make the start of 2021 a positive one, bringing joy into our homes on these dark winter mornings through play.
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