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Children are natural mathematicians. They make sense of the world around them through playful exploration, solving real life mathematical problems that they encounter along the way. Who is tallest? How many milk cartons do we need? Will I fit through that tunnel? What happens if I pour this jug of water into this bottle? Who has the most smarties? How can we share out this pizza?


We can encourage the development of mathematical skills at home and in our childcare settings with a meaningful, play based, open ended approach. An approach in which our children feel safe to experiment, take risks and engage in inquiry-based exploration.


This is where my brand new digital play and learning guide, 31 Days of Meaningful Maths, can support you, with lots of practical ideas and suggestions for simple, fun, meaningful math provocations, activities and games.


Designed for children age 2-8 years (ish), with adaptations for the very young and extension ideas. 


Work through the collection from beginning to end, or save the activities to dip in and out of as you see fit. There is no deadline, or expectation that you complete the activities in order. In fact, each guide includes a variety of provocations, activities and games, so can be extended over more than one session, making the collection really good value.


You will receive a link to download the full collection with your receipt. This PDF guide includes the full collection in one document, making it easier to print.

31 Days of Meaningful Maths


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